Saturday, April 21, 2012

5 Of A Kind?

We spent the day with the kids and kept it close to home.  We're in that quiet time where we've been to court and our legal adoption approved, and are now just waiting for the adoption to finalize.  However our current reality isn't really much like reality.  We've adopted them but are still here in their homeland.  After the adoption finalizes we'll run around to get their new birth certificates, passports and visas, and undoubtedly the reality of leaving Ukraine will set in as we go to Kyiv to finalize paperwork and fly to America.  So we're focusing on spending time with them just being a family and trying to allow them to get comfortable with us.  So far it just about borders on unreal (in a good way!).  We slept in, ate breakfast, played some games, then went and played outside for awhile.  Out for pizza dinner, then home, where we settled in for a family card game night.  The apex was playing card games and murder wink for a long time.  Five kids who have just been joined together as a family hysterically laughing and playing together as if they'd been brothers and sisters their whole life.  I had to lose first a bunch just so I could watch :)  One of our concerns was that Michael (Andriy) had always seemed quiet, never smiling in the photos we saw prior to coming to Ukraine.  We had accepted in advance that he would probably take a lot longer to break through with than Kayleigh (Masha) had when she came to America on her hosting trip last summer.  The reality has been quite the opposite.  He is a very sweet young man who smiles and laughs easily, is already teaming up with Dylan to make quite the brotherly duo, and has this giggly laugh that cracks us all up.  It has been so great to see him open up and jump right on in to our family.  God is seriously at work here!

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