Saturday, September 8, 2012

Who You Gonna Call?

Kayleigh and Michael had trips to the dentist to get their teeth cleaned.  It had been awhile, if ever since it had been done.  We are blessed to have a lot of dental talent in our circles, in this case my sister Lisa is a dental hygenist and very awesome at what she does!  So the kids made a visit to Auntie Lisa.  Kayleigh's wasn't too bad, Michael's brushing habits, well let's say, leave much to be desired so his cleaning was more involved.  So the worst of their initial dentals needs have been taken care of :)

Afterwards they went with Jodi to Costco to pick up some groceries.  Five teenagers can blow through stuff pretty quick, so we're finally at the point in life where buying bulk at Costco or Sams Club works out pretty well.  Typically we've split things with people since we just don't need as much, but that problem seems to have worked itself out.  Costco has a large electronics section and Michael seems very interested in the cell phones.  Not because he has anyone to call, he just likes them for the games. 

Being a young teenage boy, the video game stuff is of great interest to him.  He's adopted into a family that has XBox, XBox 360, Wii, GameCube, Nintento DS (I think that's all of them...) in addition to cell phones.  We are careful to monitor content and duration, but he's teenage boy through and through in interest.  He also has no idea of the cost, and couldn't believe that the phone cost a lot to buy in the first place, and that you had to pay monthly for two years as well!  We saw a lot of cell phones at the orphanage, but they were usually provided by family members, shared by fellow orphans, or stolen phones used until they stopped working.

Kayleigh seems to have a much better grasp of cost and all, and usually will even offer to pay for part of the cost for an item of clothing or shoes.  Naturally we'll pay as needed but it's nice to see her demonstrate the grasp of responsibility.  All of our bio kids are this way so it's great to see her pick up on that and run with it.  That has been the trend in general as Bekah, Alyssa and Dylan are the three best kids on the planet, and have been amazing role models for Kayleigh and Michael. 

It has made our road so very much smoother as K & M have transitioned into our family with amazing ease.  To say now that we have the five best kids on the planet is an easy statement to make because K & M have learned from the best and really chosen to be a part of our family.  We continue to hear remarks from people who have spent time with them about how happy they seem, and what great kids they are!

Tomorrow will be the four month anniversary of their arrival in Texas.  We are blessed that they are here :)

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