Saturday, February 4, 2012

Hey, go put on a sweater...

I have been thinking about the kids a lot this past week. We're at the end of the preparations for adoption and ready to make it happen! It has been brutally cold in Ukraine in recent days with daytime highs just breaking zero and nightime lows in the -10 range and even colder! I pray every day for them, their friends, orphanage care workers, etc, that they stay safe and warm. I wish we were there to be able to make sure they are ok.
Our 3 kids we have are very well cared for. I would not say spoiled because they have wonderful hearts and generally are concerned for others before themselves, and not all into material things. It's not that they don't have everything they need and most of what they want, it's just that they're not really materialistic people. I don't know if or how much Masha and Andriy have had of that in their lives, but we are looking forward to getting them home and being able to love them and take care of them. I still think our lives will be changed by this experience as much as theirs!

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