Saturday, May 12, 2012

The First 48

We've had our first two full days at home and so far it's been amazing!  We flew into San Antonio Wednesday evening and there were over 60 people there to welcome Kayleigh and Michael to their new home.  At first they looked a little blown away but we could tell they thought it was pretty cool.  There were previously adopted girls Kayleigh knew from Ukraine there so that was extra cool, and friends of Dylan's as well for Michael.  Then we went to dinner at Red Robin for some dinner and lots of Dr Pepper!  Home to get some sleep and start the process of trying to get over the 8 hour time difference and jet lag (still working on that one.....).  We've kept it low key the first couple days as we're all just trying to adjust our biological clocks and all!  We've met up with a couple people to say howdy, cleaned out the refrigerator (ewww.....), started back up on getting bedrooms organized (Bekah loves her new closet!), did some grocery shopping (yea!!).  Dylan and I took Michael for his first trip to Academy (Michael chose the Firebird for the journey out and loved it :) for a soccer ball (he selected a shiny red one right away, he's a HUGE soccer nut...) and his first trip to Sonic (we had a couple slushies, onion rings, chili cheese fries, he loved it all).  Both kids are loving being kids.  We're finding both to be very athletic and have done well at anything he's touched (they both can swim, throw, run, ride bikes, trampoline...).  It was great watching them from my office window jumping on the trampoline and laughing like crazy the whole time, what a change from their life only a few days ago!  Both kids have been great with our family, very engaging and happy, helping with dishes and such without even being asked or prompted, hugs and smiles :)  Communication hasn't been a problem, we've used google translate only sparingly, both kids seem very bright and pick up on english and pointing easily.  I love their smiles.  The sun is rising on day 3 as I finish this entry to our blog, I am so excited to see what will happen today!

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