Monday, September 24, 2012

Someone Is Growing Up!

I haven't blogged in awhile but it's pretty much been the normal stuff.  Kids, house, dance, karate, running, driving, etc!  This week will be cool as Kayleigh's sweet 16th birthday is fast approaching (she will turn 16 this coming Saturday the 29th....).  Last year she was with us until the beginning of August before returning to Ukraine from the hosting trip, so we missed her birthday last year, but were obviously bound and determined not to miss this one! 

In our household, even before we had 5 teenagers, calendar days for events sometimes turn into guidelines rather than set in stone as often there is just too much going on to do it right, or the calendar is packed, it's a weekday, etc.  We started off "birthday week" yesterday with a day out at Canyon Lake with our aunt and uncle, and one of our cousins and her family.  It was a beautiful sunny day, perfect for swimming and grilling.  Our aunt also picked up a birthday cake since their up from Corpus so after dinner we did a birthday cake complete with singing :)

Kayleigh is funny as she really loves the attention she gets here, but also gets embarrassed by it (but still likes it....).  I've been able to watch her at dance class and every time she catches me watching her from the lobby, she'll spring up a huge smile and stick her tongue out at me or something.  However, I can also tell she is loving being important and getting attention, even though often she will play it off.  Sometimes I'll be chasing and roughhousing with Michael, and she'll do something to try and get chased as well.  I am happy to oblige :)

I have no idea what the plan for the birthday party will be, but with Kayleigh having two loving sisters, I'm sure I won't have to worry about anything other than finding something for us boys to do to avoid the hysteria that comes with a bunch of teenage girls being in the same place at the same time!

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