Sunday, April 21, 2013

Temperature Rising

I just rolled back in from a quick 3 mile run late this morning and worked up a nice little sweat.  It's April here in Texas so we're bouncing around in temperatures, but it's definitely working its way up to consistently warm on it's way to another hot, dry summer.  We're sun people so we don't mind a bit, and we'll see how much Kayleigh and Michael have acclimated to our warmer part of the world :)

I was chatting on Facebook with a couple of our friends back in Ukraine and remembering our trip last spring.  When we were packing for the trip, we used the predicted temperatures for the 4 weeks we anticipated being there, so it was pretty much all cold weather clothing.  Naturally, you plan the best you can and then wing it from there, which is what we did.  We arrived on the tail end of a very cold winter and basically froze, but our trip extended to 6 1/2 weeks and we hit the warmest May in 30 years! 

We had a great time when the weather warmed up in Zhytomr.  There was a big park down by the river where we walked to a few times, a really good pizza place Alex showed us.  Our pastor friend Andriy and landlord Alex took us around so we could get clothes for warmer weather, and we enjoyed some great time walking around town and seeing the sights.  Both of these men were incredible friends to us, we miss them a lot!  Air conditioning was sparce (our apartment had none....) and ice infrequent for drinks, but it's amazing how fast you become accustomed to it.  It was a long trip (47 days.....) but good friends and nice weather made it a lot better :)

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