Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Today is a cool day as Kayleigh got her official papers of citizenship here in the US of A :)  Both Kayleigh and Michael officially got citizenship upon going through immigration in Houston after we arrived on our flight overseas, but because Kayleigh is 14 or older (she's 15...) she had to go the office in San Antonio today and do the oath thing to get her papers (Michaels just came in the mail...).  Technically they are dual citizens until the age of 18 and then select a single citizenship at that point.  Not really worried, hey, we have BBQ here!

After the visit to the office the crew went to our friends who had adopted one of her friends from the same orphanage she and Michael were at (her friend was here in Texas last summer on the same hosting trip as Kayleigh).  We are in kind of a unique area that has seen a lot of Ukrainian adoptions, from the same city and orphanage, so there is a cluster of kids here that knew each other in Ukraine now within an hour of each other here in Texas.  God is so good that not only did he find them new homes and families, he brought them some familiar friends as well :)

Kayleigh's swelling in her face from the absess tooth has gone most of the way down (yea!!....).  She'll go back to the dentist on Friday to get it checked out again, and see what else is going to need to be done to put a beautiful smile on this beautiful girl.  We can see that Michael has a lot of cavities as well that will need to be taken care of.  Good thing Bekah is almost out of her braces (she'll be done in October....). 

The rest of our kids continue to do great as always.  Before we ever adopted we had the three most amazing kids you can imagine, and that certainly hasn't changed.  In fact, it has been truly incredible to see how giving and loving they are with their new brother and sister.  All of them have truly taken a huge part in bringing K & M home to Texas, making them a real part of our family, and loving on them like they've probably never experienced!  Bekah is growing up into an amazing woman, working for a family up in Austin and doing a wonderful job, and is getting ready for volleyball to kick off here sometime soon.  Alyssa is loving dance class and I am pretty much convinced that she and Kayleigh share a brain and personality (it is really amazing how much they are alike....).  Dylan has been the poster child for an awesome older brother for Michael, and is helping him get started in martial arts with us.  Dylan and I get our black belts this Saturday (come to the show.... :).

We're having a great time with our Fab 5, can't wait to see what amazing things tomorrow shall bring :)

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