Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Window Stickers

We're just chugging along as our family finds its routines (new and re-establishing...).  We get a bit of a break as it's the summer months to get our new expanded family into a groove.  Both kids continue to work on their english through the computer software and just daily immersion and are doing well.  Kayleigh we can tell has a lot more comprehension, just not as much speech.  Michael is a typical 13 year old boy who isn't the biggest fan of school work but is coming along as well.  Both kids continue to help around the house well, although we are having to teach Michael that you need to ask to do things like go outside and play (he refused to ask yesterday so ended up hanging out inside, he will learn quickly though....).  We're focusing on english and some math (Kayleigh will translate the instructions to do math work...) and then get into regular school gear in the fall.  Dylan and I are having a great time at karate class being new black belts, and Michael has tried out karate as well and really enjoys it.  It's been mainly some sparring while the club prepares for the black belt show on the 16th, but he seems naturally good at it and looks forward to coming to class.  Kayleigh decided to try dance (shocker as her and Alyssa share a brain...) and her first dance class is today.  Both activities are stocked with super duper adult instructors so both are great situations for new kids on the block.  Bekah did volleyball camp last weekend to kick of her final volleyball season as well.  We've done the sports window stickers in the past, good thing we have a Suburban, window room for five of them (ahhh, now the blog title makes sense... :)  Both kids still seem to be very happy and are adjusting very well to their new world.  We are very happy to have them here.  Saw online pictures of the remaining 92 kids at the orphanage leaving the orphanage for the two new ones as their orphanage has now closed.  Praying for the kids as they have to adjust to a new place, and for all the workers at ours who lost their jobs with the closure (the staff there was always most excellent to us!).

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