Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A Day In The New Life

Today was a fun day with our soon to be new family members. We took them out for pizza for lunch which was a bit of an adventure. The pizza place has no english menus. We dont speak Ukranian too much. Staff dont speak english at all. We guess and point. Well, got 2 of 4 pizzas correct which is 50% correct. Could have been 66.6% correct except we had only tried to order 3 pizzas :) It was very good pizza so no worries :) Both kids like mushrooms. Masha does not like pineapple. Then went to Eko (supermarket) to pick up some fruit and other sundries, we keep the purchases smaller as we have to carry what we buy back to the apartment. Then back to the apartment to drop stuff off and hang out for a bit, chat with the kids using google translate. It helps a lot on more complex conversations at this point. We are still surprised at how well they are getting along and connecting with our family. They both smile a lot, let us hug them, and have senses of humor that jell well with our family. If you know our family, you know what I mean!
We then took a walk to the mall that is about a 10 minute walk from our flat. It's a 4 story building that houses mostly small kiosk style stores selling coats, purses, shoes, and underwear. It's amazing how many street vendors leading to the mall, and stores in the mall, sell underwear. I don't know, maybe they layer in the winter months here or something? We went to the cafe that one of the pastors of the church we went to Sunday has, but it was closed due to some fire code thing for the building as a whole, but ran into him on the escalator so got to spend some time with him anyway over a cappechino. Andrei is a wonderful man who has been very generous with his time (and great cafe by the way!), with a funny sense of humor and good heart. We have been totally blessed to connect with him and his family. If I lived here, I think he would be my best friend.
Then back to the apartment for a couple more hours with the kids, then back to the orphanage and home for the evening. The kids wrote "Boofishy" on the back of his rather dirty van in the morning, it was freshly washed for the evening drive :) Yes, I know you must ask, what is "Boofishy"? It is one of my nicknames for Bekah that she completely refutes. Can't win 'em all I guess ;)
We very much enjoyed our time with the kids today, we'll see them again tomorrow :) Paperwork is all done and submitted with the SDA in Kyiv, praying all goes smoothly in the process there in preparation for our court date which is anticipated to be next week. Please continue to join us in prayer that the process goes quick and smooth, so that we can complete the adoption and bring our new family members home. G'night!

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