Monday, April 30, 2012

Here Comes The Sun

Wow, an absolutely beautiful day here in Ukraine, clear blue sunny skies and temperatures in the 80's, so after a quiet morning we met up with Alex (the apartment guy) and took a walk in town and down to the park and river.  We took a ton of photos of the kids, park, bungee jumping off the bridge that spans river that runs through town, karate pictures for Dylan and I, and just had a generally nice day outdoors.  The kids are all getting along well in general and with each other and had a great day.  Afterwards we found a good pizza place and ate lots of pizza, fries and cola, then back to the flat to settle in for the evening.  Alex found a fan for us to use so we're comfortable with the windows closed as the recent rains have brought out the mosquitos!  Seems like the days ahead are filling up as our adoption adventure nears an end.  Thank you for your continued prayers for the days to pass quickly and positively as our family prepares to return home.

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