Sunday, April 29, 2012

Lost In Translation

OK, today ended a lot better than yesterday, we are truly thankful for so many people who prayed and encouraged.  More concerns throughout the day but we ended up connecting for dinner with the lady who had accompanied the hosting trip last summer and were able to have a long conversation with Kayleigh and Michael.  We are still keeping an eye open and staying alert (Dylan and I being martial artists, we have eyes on all sides of our head and use The Force :) but were able to get a (hopefully) clearer picture of the recent going ons and where things stand, which gave us a lot of piece of mind.  We were also able to continue to communicate to them how happy we are that they are now our children, and part of our family, and how much we really care about and love them.  I believe we are an answer to prayer both ways!  It continues to surprise us at how these two orphans from the other side of the world are actually like us!  I am watching Kayleigh and Alyssa listening to music on the Kindle as I type, it's like two sisters that have been sisters forever.  Which in this case is crazy silly weirdo sisters ;)

I think it was a great talk for the kids , knowing that our concerns were for their well being, that we do care that much for them, and that they're not being singled out at all, we would do the same for our other three kids as well.  I think it was a huge blessing to be able to have them talk with someone they've known for awhile and trust so we could be open in our concerns and they in turn could be open in answer, knowing that we just want what's best for them and our family, and that we love them very much.  It's amazing to give a great big hug to two kids that haven't gotten them for a long time, and for it to feel as natural as hugging our three biological kids.  That is an awesome feeling.   We will be glad once the holidays (government offices closed through Wednesday) here are over to finish up paperwork and get in the plane.  I don't think I'll truly relax at all until we're sitting in that 737 watching Kyiv shrink below us.

1 comment:

  1. Glad today was better for everybody and y'all had a chance to talk. Every time I read a new post from you I get tears in my eyes and it truly tugs at my heart strings! I love you all so much and I am so proud of all of you for making a commitment & a difference in these two children's lives. I pray for your vision and for your soon to be image of Kyiv in your review mirror of your plane! Stay strong. Believe in all the goodness you're doing for all of you & in the end, you'll be able to exhale and breathe when you land in Texas and can tuck all of your kids in bed at night & turn out the light of another day! Praying for you all. Love to you all ~ Jill & Boys Xoxoxoxoxox
